The last three weeks have been spent looking for peppermint candy canes. A couple of years ago I discovered them in a candy store and started the tradition of hanging them in our Christmas tree. A very undutch thing to do, let me tell you! Since then candy canes have taken over the stores, but nowhere are they peppermint! It's all strawberry and rainbow and bubblegum and what have you.
But that's just not good enough for me! I want peppermint, because there's no peppermint that tastes quite like candy cane peppermint.
So I will continue the search. I have exhausted the stores in my town, the next step will be to haunt the stores in the nearest big city. Christmas just won't seem Christmas without those canes.....
3 reacties:
If I find any, I'll let you know! I've been on a search for these as well!
Have you checked the Xenos? I seem to recall seeing candy canes there last year, but I don't remember if they were peppermint ones.
Hi mub! I tried Xenos but they only have the yucky ones... :-(
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