
My birthday is coming up (august fourth!) and people are beginning to ask how I'm planning to celebrate it. Usually Marinda and I invite all our friends and family at once seeing as her birthday is the 27th of july and it makes no sense to invite people over two times in within such a short period of time. BUT, she already had her sweet sixteen party, so now I have to figure out what to do on my own.
I've been thinking along the lines of a girls only thing. And then having it on the actual date of my birthday, instead of in the weekend before or after. If I do that, I will end up with an eclectic mix of females who may or may not mingle. The not mingling part is worrying....

Ah well. Tomorrow, when my head has cleared, I will make a decision. Meanwhile I am waiting for my coconut macaroon kind of thing to bake in the oven. At 9 p.m. I felt a sudden urge to bake, and these were the ingredients that were available.
200 grams of sugar
200 grams ground coconut
35 grams of butter
1 large egg
pinch of salt
bit of vanilla
dollop of milk
dusting of flour

Mix together thoroughly, plop into pie dish (or whatever) and bake for approximately 30 minutes until lightly golden brown. (if your oven works, that is. Mine will be dark brown on the bottom and white on top).

If made correctly, they're a lovely chewy coconut concoction. My mom has a knack for them!!

3 reacties:

Anonymous said...

yum! Love the coconut...coco coconut! :D

Anonymous said...

Yumm sounds good. I think I will keep this recipe. Have anymore to share???

I think you should invite all the girlfriends you want, do worry if they will migle well and get a long. They all love you, and that's all that matter's! This is your special day!!!

~Deb B. Colorado

Anonymous said...

Yum! Sounds good! I copied it & will try it sometime soon :)

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