Summer time

The clock changed today, daylight savings time I believe it's called? We slept in, contrary to our earlier plans to go visit another church this morning in our continuing search for a "spiritual home". Instead Herman and I visited a church this afternoon. An experience worth repeating.

Tristan spent the afternoon with friends jumping on the trampoline (yeah, the sun was shining!), laughing and joking, and raiding the fridge. Much to Marinda's dismay.

Marinda however, spent some time actually hanging things up in her room. Folks, I can hardly tell you how monumental this is. She had very very set ideas of how she wanted her room to be when we moved here a year ago. Stylish wallpaper, a new bed. She got it as well. And then everything just slowed down to a stop. Last year, on her birthday, she got a number of things to hang up in her room. All ended up standing up against the walls, waiting to be hung. This weekend stuff was hung!! As she said, "now it's like I'm really living here". And I guess that's been the issue a lot of the time. Just not feeling at home, and not wanting to settle.

But, some work has been done, and I'm ever so happy! I want my girlie to feel at home here, even though we know that next year summer she'll probably head off to college and out of here....


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