We both have our own styles of cooking. He goes for the meat and potatos,

Culinary dishes are pretty much wasted on my family. When we go out to eat (which is rarely) we either have pizza or go McDonalds (does that qualify as going out?!?). I do have all the joy of having a friend who likes buying exotic stuff and then feeding it to me. Because I love good food and good tastes almost as much as I like reading about them. I'm almost tempted to keep a list of all the things I would still like to eat. Everything from blueberry pie, to all the lovely curries I read about in Monsoon Diaries, to Italian delicacies made by Jamie Oliver, to local dutch "specialities" (everything has to be tried once, right?!). If I ever make it back to the States, eating all the food I regularly read about will be high on my list of things to do.
So ends my ramble about food. Maybe I will make that list.......
5 reacties:
We of the English speaking world would like the recipe for nasi. Try to talk Herman into guest posting on your blog, will you? :)
MAKE THAT LIST I want to read it!
~Deb B.
I love to try new foods and fortunately my husband is pretty adventurous as well. It's hard with four kids though, so much gets wasted when they turn up their noses.
Melanie: let me see what I can do!
Deb: keep reading, the list is sure to come up some time!
People Cooking For Me...one of my favorite things!
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