End of an Era

A somewhat pretentious title for a last post, but it kind of feels like the end of an era to me! I wrote my first post on September 12 2007. My expectations were high, and the writing was something I truly truly enjoyed for a long time.

Lately I've not had as much enjoyment in writing. Partly because I feel like I'm repeating myself. It is our second spring here in this house and there's only so much one can write about holland, flowers, and bike rides in the surroundings I think! And I feel like I'm on repeat emotionally, continually going over the same things. There is a lot I would still like to write about but a lot of it is to personal to be posted here on the net, so I'll probably end up writing a diary instead. One meant for my eyes only, with my hubby peeking in now and again so that he can make an attempt to understand what's going on in this head of mine.

I have gained so much through blogging though. Writing really has helped me maintain some perspective. I remember with fondness (and some longing) the days that I walked around eager to get started on writing, to share some trivial insight, or the highlights of my day. It's really been a lot of fun!

I'm also glad to know that I will be able to read back through this blog, to recap what has really been quite a turbulent period in my (our) lives. I've written about our move to this little town, our trip to Ethiopia with my road trip being the ultimate highlight. I've written about the different jobs I've had in that time period. The one in Utrecht, the one in Zwolle, and the one I have now. I've written about the different sicknesses that have kept our family busy. Herman with his ulcerative colitis, Tristan with his hemofilia and alopecia, and Marinda with Pfeiffer and all the "lovely" after effects. I've written about family and friends and marriage and raising kids. This blog pretty much covers it all!

Just looking back through all these old posts makes me smile. I'm thankful for the internet, for the opportunity to get out and write and have people comment, for being able to literally look back on a part of my life. I'm glad blogging encouraged me to look at things with fresh eyes, to see beyond the mundane and see that things are special.

Maybe someday I will get back to blogging again. In the meantime, I will leave this blog up for those who want to browse. Comments, as always, are welcome! And if you want to ask me a question or get in touch please feel free to write me at eliseblogs@gmail.com.

Thanks everybody!!

10 reacties:

Anonymous said...

oh dear.... i have to go to bloganonymous to kick off your blog!

Unknown said...

It's always been great reading your blog & you write so well, so I do hope you will come back from time-to-time to share more. But otherwise, I will keep in touch with you ;-)

Dori said...

Well...fine. Really? This is it? You're done? And you were the one who motivated me to start my own blog. But, all right, if it's what you really want to do. At least I still have other ways to keep in touch!

Anonymous said...

Oh my heart sank when I read this post. Your writing always put a smile on my face. But thank you for sharing all those lovely funny thoughts in your head. It's been a true pleasure reading this blog and it will be missed greatly. Am glad I got the opportunity to get to know you before you made this decision! :) xx Zan

antti.pohjonen said...

viva the adventure!

Mfreshour said...

This is sad, sad, sad...says the girl who never has time for her own blog anymore.

Anonymous said...

I'm gonna miss the updates... maybe we could meet up the four of us more often?!
Marit, I've really enjoyed your blog, reading it, reacting to it, talking about the things that keep our minds busy and so on.
You're great to know, the two of you feel like a brother and sister. Love you! André

Sharon said...

I've enjoyed your blog and will miss reading it, but I hope we can still stay in touch!

Jo said...

I have just found your blog, and it looks wonderful...! And now you are going away. I hope you come back soon.


mamaayanna said...

Oh that is too bad! I just found your blog and told my husband "now this seems like a blog that would interest me to read" . I am dutch , now live in America, we met in Tanzania (my husband grew up in Kenya) and we intend to move back to africa.

But indeed blogging takes up much time and can be challenging.

I will go browse around you blog a little!

blessings to you in whatever you decide to go do

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