Ping-pong was motivation enough to get Tristan out of the sofa and into the store to buy a complete set, making it possible to transform our dining room table into a ping-pong table. Of course, this means that all the chairs must be put to the side and the table pulled into the middle of the room.

But you know what?? I don't care!! I'm just so darn happy that Tristan has something that is motivating him, and something that he can do without causing pain in his tendon. It's worth the relative mess to see him and Marinda playing together, and to see him playing with other boys. I even tried my hand at it which gave cause for huge fits of laughter :-).

1 reacties:
We set up a ping pong table at my parent's house--the kids found a box of paddles and balls at a flea market for $2! That was the sound of our summer! Fortunately it was out on the screened in porch so the balls could only go so far.
I'm so glad Tristan has found something else he enjoys!!
How's Herman?
Was this post from home? Is the computer fixed?!
It's been chaos here--of course--but I've been thinking about you and hoping everything's okay!
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