
How come so many christian women are out there blogging? I have a habit of randomly clicking on blogs looking for something new, and sometimes searching for blogs deliberately. Practically each and every time I end up on a christan womans blog. Now is that coincidence, or are there just a lot of christian bloggers? Makes me wonder....
I found a blog the other day that I really enjoy. The blogger takes pictures of people reading and does a short interview with the reader. I've even thought of making a dutch version of it, only to discover I really don't see all that many people reading and the blog would probably get boring in a very very short time! Her blog is a great combination of books and little peeks into peoples lives, really cool. And today I found a blog which I assume is not christian. I so especially loved this post that she wrote. Made me grin and then laugh out loud!
I have a huge list of blogs in my Google reader and eagerly check them (if at all possible, several times a day!). The disadvantage of my work space is that I have people looking in at all sides, so I can't check when I'm having an "off" moment at work! What a bummer. But first thing I do in the morning (once I have gotten dressed, have gotten the kids up, breakfast made and lunches packed -and sometimes before that....-) is check my mail (two adresses!) and then check my blog counter to see if anything exciting has happened, and then check my reader list and catch up on other peoples lives. A very satisfying start to the day!
Now I so have to get Marinda to bed, and myself as well. Goodnight!

1 reacties:

Anonymous said...

I think I shall pass the 'blog'on to my hubby!!!

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