Here's what I did:
- went to my old work and was welcomed with genuine warmth and affection. Such a lovely start to the day!
- Had lunch with my former manager. I like her! (and not only because she gives me compliments :-) , which she did though, making me feel so encouraged!)
- Bought the cutest shoes ever! Bluey/purple, just utterly too cute. Don't know what I'm going to wear them with yet, but had to have them!
- Enjoyed every single minute of walking around Utrecht. Revelled seeing the homeless man singing loudly, listening to the drunk who sat behind me on the bus who complimented me on my hair, the american tourists speaking english, seeing the muslim ladies wearing their headcloths, knowing just where to go to get what. I didn't realize I missed it until I got out of the train and everything felt so comfortably familiar! Utrecht has a buzz to it that is a real kick after the sleepy town I live in.
- went to two museums and felt hugely intellectual and artistic because of it!
- got a call from my sister telling me about a job she had just seen which just suits me down to a T. Got heart palpitations just thinking about it!
- had supper with an old colleague of mine. She lost her child a couple of months ago and I was so happy to catch up with her. We ate tapas and talked and talked and then had an Australian ice-cream to end it off.
- slept over at a really really good friends house. Talked and shared and the next day
- went to the sauna and lounged around soaking and sweating and steaming and feeling greatly relaxed.
Just reading through this list makes me realize that I can't capture the full extent of the well-being I experienced in these two days. I wish I could though! I would love to be able to put it into words so I could read back through this and feel it all over again. But I am so happy I can write it down here, to read back and know that I will enjoy remembering this at some other time when I might not be feeling just as happy.
These two days were a precious gift, just the pick me up I needed!
2 reacties:
I love Utrecht. My cousin used to study there. I have fond memories of the place.
Purple shoes go with everything. Just ask my 3 year old ;-)
Wow...those do sound like near perfect days. I love it when I have one of those...and usually they're unexpected, so I make sure to enjoy them (cause you never know when another is gonna come along).
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