
Saturday I went to the libary to rent some movies for Herman and I to watch together. I figure with him spending so much time at home, he would be glad with the distraction! And it would give us something to do together.
So today we watched The Pianist. If anything, that will put anyones woes into perspective. Besides that it's a pretty stunning movie. I have a tendency to avoid these kinds of war movies. I still havn't watched Schindlers List, for example. Though that may be something to do together with Herman as well.
I rented the Tom Hanks movie which is about WWII as well. Can't remember the title, and the Butterfly and the Bell Jar (not sure about that title either). Any suggestions on what other movies are good? Nothing to corny or romantic for Herman though, and no science fiction for him either.

Meanwhile, on another note. Internet is still down, so I am again in the library. Of for dinner with my sis and mom later. Hoping to get some new clothes and a badly needed hair cut, though most hair dressers are closed on mondays. Is that a uniquely dutch thing? Herman might be improving, I'm not confident enough to firmly state that he is but I surely do hope so. And I'm worried about a work thing tomorrow.
So, that was enough of the boring details!

Take care all of you. Hope your life circumstances are good!

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