Today he wore one of his bandanas with a baseball cap on top. Also a very cool look! He's now experimenting with going out in public with his bandanas on. I sincerely hope he gets a lot of positive reactions. The better people react, the easier it will be for him of course.
I'm glad he's adjusting so well and thankful that we have had the time to do so. Some kids go bald within a couple of days, I think that might even be harder to cope with. Isn't he great though?
4 reacties:
Staat je goed Tris!!
Hey Tristan, Cool Joe, Justin wil straks je na doen..... heb je een bandana over?
Tris, ik vindt het helemaal geweldig, staat zo wijs en stoer!
Je hebt een mooie kop! Ik ben trots op je!
Hey Justin,
Your looking great, een echte knappe gozer (-:
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