This and that

Tonight, after work, I got together with a friend. It's been a while since I did that! We sat on a lovely courtyard in the middle of Zwolle, eating tapas and catching up after not seeing each other for about 9 months. She's getting married, we've moved and have been to Ethiopia, so there was plenty to talk about.
It's one of the things I've missed here. We don't have any friends in the area and I can get kind of lonely sometimes. So it's a real treat to meet somebody who knows me and can place everything I talk about in perspective. I got to share about my Ethiopia trip! Just talking about it made me smile as big as I smiled there.
Tomorrow I have a kind of job interview. It could be an interesting development. We'll have to wait and see.
Now I have to get to bed as it's been a pretty heavy duty week with a lot of things going on. My eyes are burning and I'm longing for a nights sleep that is not filled with weird dreams.
Goodnight all!!

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